Software specific projects

Multitasking and cognitive function (Honours Project)

Through comparing data from personal computers and phones, I was able to create metrics to further the understanding of what exactly multi-media multitasking is, how to measure it, and how to determine who exactly is a “Heavy Multitasker”. This enabled further cognitive research on heavy and light multitaskers in order to understand the potential effects of how we currently consume media through our devices.

Collaborative Spotify Playlist Maker

Created a fully featured voting and selection system for Spotify songs, creating a Single Page Application with the MERN stack and Spotify APIs, building accompanying testing suites through JEST.

Profile Picture

Twitter-like Social Media Application

Created single page application in team using an Agile Methodology, implementing timeline posts and direct messaging. The application was created using a MVVM Architecture and React, with an accompanying test suite using Jest and React Testing Library. A REST API was created using Node, MySQL, Express and login was implemented with Firebase.

Group Procrastination Application

Created an Android application in team as part of a Hackathon that ”Promotes procrastination among friends”. Kotlin and Android studio was used to create a basic application that tracks phone usage (from Android’s built-in APIs) to display to user, and MongoDB was used to create a basic database to store information across multiple devices.

Other Personal Projects

Reviewing peripherals on Youtube

Lately I have been reviewing various PC gaming peripherals (Mainly mice and mousepad related items). Here's my most viewed video to date which has 2.5K views at the time of writing below.

Keyboard design and small scale manufacturing

I have designed and created custom stacked acrylic keyboards using Fusion360 and KiCad, designing both the case and PCB using ai03's open source projects as a reference for the PCB. In the past 2 years, I have sold a number of these keyboards within the New Zealand mechanical keyboards commnuity, most notably a tenkeyless keyboard with a unique direct PCB mount construction to produce an extremely pleasing sound profile as shown in the Youtube video below. Below that is also a small gallery of my work. I have had a couple runs of my designs put into production, using overseas fabs to bring these designs to reality.